Hello Hello! My name is Aidan Hurley and I am the owner of Hurley Plant Care and Design. I am 25 years old and live in Kalamazoo Michigan. My previous experience in the green industry comes from four years at Mulder’s Nursery in Kalamazoo. Three of those spent as Manager of the Nursery. Previously, I studied at Kalamazoo College, graduating in 2021 with a Spanish Major. My passion for plants began with my strong biology background. In fact, I was a double major at K College until COVID/online schooling came into play. The downfalls of online education really took a toll on my mental health necessitating a lightening of my academic load. Regardless of any stressors, the outdoors has always been a safe space. Thankfully, in 2020, I started at Mulders Nursery, helping to reignite my passion of the natural world. What started as a way to pay my bills, blossomed into a lifelong passion. I now hope to merge my landscaping and plant care experience with my love for the environment.

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